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Splash screen:
Wanted to keep things simple and to the point. Mostly honing in on the aspects of coding rather then the book part as I feel that is a way more interesting design avenue. The section at the bottom giving the “slogan” is designed in a way to resemble coding inside a program with brackets and the like.
Nav page:
Keeping the idea of simplisity the nav page is quite barebones and giving the user exactly what they need and nothing more. Wanting to keep a sense of coding and tech throughout there is also an animation of a very common symbols used in programming.
How the animation would look is below(typing animation):
Contact page:
Again, user ease and simpicity is the end goal here. All information flush to the middle and easily digestible with the idea of a straightfoward contact page.
About page:
An infographic like approach to an About us page. Each section is meant to expand out when interacted with and displays information according to that section as shown by reference pictures. Keeping in mind “user ease” in this project, for phone it is a tapping interaction and for desktop a hovering of the cursor. Using the about page in this format, I believe, creates a fun and interactive way to learn about the company and strays away from the boring side of about pages.
Rough animation seen below: